Fokker / AVIA F.IX-M (F-39)

The F.IX-M or F-39 is a bomber / transport variant of the civilian F.IX.
The F.IX-M is only built under license by the Czech AVIA and F-39 is the designation of the Czech Air Force for this type.
Of the approximately 18 aircraft built, a number were also delivered to the Yugoslav army.
The F-39 had been modified on a number of points by AVIA.
Most F-39s had one or two gun turrets under the fuselage, in the front turret someone could sit to operate the gun.
At least two F-39s have ended up with the German Luftwaffe.

The F-39 is a bomber / transport variant of the civilian F.IX and was built exclusively under license by the Czech AVIA and was modified on a number of points. 
Of the approximately 18 aircraft built, a large number were made for the Czech Air Force and a number were also delivered to the Yugoslav army.
Of all produced F-39s, most had either one or two gun turrets under the fuselage. A gunner was able to sit In the front retractable turret.
At least two F-39s went into service with the German Luftwaffe.

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